Pros and Cons of travelling to Nepal alone

Nepal is host to arguably one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Often referred to as the center piece of the Buddhist religion, Nepal has a beautiful and diverse culture worthy of admiration by people around the globe. In this segment, we’ll go over a few Pros and Cons of travelling to Nepal alone . Note that it isn’t necessary that these might apply to you. However, it’s best to go over all of these before you book your ticket! 

If you’re planning to travel to Nepal in the near future, then you’re on the right track. The reasons why you should go for this track are plenty. However, to make the most of your trip, you need to take things at face value as opposed to what they might seem to be.

hiking and mountaineering


Improves language skills 

The best benefit that solo travelling to Nepal will present you is an improvement in your language skills. Since the majority of Nepalese people don’t really speak English, this is a great way to work on your language skills all by yourself.

However, it’s important to mention that the bulk of the populace is fluent in English.

Cathartic self-discovery

The collective region of South Asia and Nepal is that which is often submerged in spirituality. If you’re travelling alone, Nepal can definitely serve as a stepping stone for your journey towards spirituality. 

If you’re travelling with a group, there’s a decent chance that a few individuals might have some reservations about the experience that focus primarily on meditation and other practices famous in the region. 


The main benefit that travelling alone to Nepal is that it will save you money down the road. Generally speaking, currency conversion ensures that you’ll be well-off in Nepal. Likewise, saving an extra buck can also come in handy. 

Furthermore, it’s also easier to get accommodation since you’ll only need a place for one! 


More susceptible to danger

Travelling alone to Nepal can leave you susceptible to all types of danger. However, these dangers are those that can be found virtually anywhere. The common protocol here is that you should be smart with your encounters and transactions. 

Common sense is the best tool that you have. Don’t be too quick to trust someone, because there are plenty of con-artists who are waiting for the next unsuspecting tourist.

Hiking and off-road travel can be dangerous

Nepal is famous for its off-road hiking and mountaineering tracks. If travelling alone, this is one option that needs careful consideration. This is because getting lost in the woods and on these trails is more normal than you might think.

The general guideline is to hire a tour guide who can stay with you throughout this part of your trip. This is for your own benefit. These are Pros and Cons of travelling to Nepal alone,  Remember it’s better to spend a little money and be safe, as opposed to being sorry.



Choosing Between Hiking, Trekking or Peak Climbing

Hiking, trekking or peak climbing, also known in some places as mountaineering are three different words that mean almost synonymous to a large number of people. On paper, however, the differences are quite noticeable and should be kept in mind when choosing any one of them. So, to understand completely, you first need to have an idea between the significant differences in them. Thus, we will be explaining them very briefly for you to develop a plan.

trekking alone

Major Differences between The Three

The type of terrain, difficulty level, and the equipment used account for the differences in them. Hiking means only an act of walking on clearly indicated trails without needing any climbing skills or equipment. Trekking, on the other hand, is a bit rough; there are no well-established trails, the terrain may be rough making it more difficult, but it too does not require any technical skills or special equipment and lasts for more than two days usually. Peak climbing, on the other hand, is entirely different. It needs specialized equipment, technical skills, and the right fitness level. Now that we have basic knowledge, so let’s decide what you should pick.

trekking with guides
trekking with guides

Are You a Leisure Time Hiker?

If you are looking to spend your precious leisure time walking up mountains, hiking should be your instant pick. You can start from one-day hikes, and then after some successful trips, you can increase the number of days as your body gets more used to it.

Duration of the Trip

How many days are you planning to spend on your trip? If you don’t have much time and are looking for something to be completed within two days, hiking should be it. If you want to go for a longer time and not to look for a considerable difficulty, then you could go for a trek, and finally, if you have the skills and you have months to spend, there can be nothing more enjoyable than peak climbing.

Medical and Physical Fitness

These two key factors are probably the most important ones to bear in mind for your very own safety purposes. As you may not be conscious of it, but peak climbing requires a great combination of excellent medical and physical fitness. It demands very long endurance training sessions as well as other technical training so you can’t just go straight up without having all of it or you may have to face severe problems caused by high altitudes, varying temperatures, unpredictable weather along with other technical issues.

cycling tour
cycling tour

Equipment You Are Willing to Use

The gear you have is essential, as well. While you don’t need anything for hiking, you may need some elementary equipment for trekking. And as for peak climbing, it’s a different thing. You need exceptional gear, and you have to know how to use them like fixing of ropes, using crampons, etc.

equipment for trekking
equipment for trekking


we are pretty sure you have already decided what you want and made up your mind. Now It’s easy Choosing Between Hiking, Trekking or Peak Climbing. If it’s a leisure time walk to see nature, go hiking. If you’re going to approach the countryside and increase the duration and adventure of your trip and you’re somewhat physically fit too, go trekking. However, if you have had adequate training and equipment, and have a lot of time and want to see the beauty of the mountains to the most and stand at its summit, go for peak climbing without having any second thoughts.